LGBT madness in West driving many to move away, including to Russia — Lavrov

Society & Culture July 23, 16:00

As an example, Sergey Lavrov cited US billionaire and celebrity entrepreneur Elon Musk moving to Texas because in California neoliberal values are already "off the charts"

MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. Many people in the West, Europe included, want to escape the insidious LGBT agenda that permeates the culture there and some even move to Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a meeting with the leaders of Russian non-profits.

"Many people, including in Europe, want to flee this offensive by the LGBT community, the complete dismissal of natural historical processes, what was God-given. Many are thinking about moving to Russia. And there are already examples of this, and I am sure that there will be more of them, they will multiply," he said.

As an example, Lavrov cited US billionaire and celebrity entrepreneur Elon Musk moving to Texas because in California neoliberal values are already "off the charts." He added that in Bulgaria, a real harassment campaign has been launched against the International Russophile Movement only because it promotes fostering normal relations with Russia on the international stage.

"Resisting the West’s rabid attempts to cancel everything: our culture, our history, rewrite the results of WWII and the Great Patriotic War. More and more people are coming over to our side, to our reasoning, rejecting the language of blackmail, hatred and diktat," the Russian foreign minister concluded.

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