Vovan and Lexus say prank call to Joe Biden possible

Society & Culture June 28, 0:20

The prankers noted that they do not utilize AI algorithms in their pranks yet, but they do not rule out that they might use them in the future

VOLGOGRAD, June 28. /TASS/. Prankers Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Alexey Stolyarov (Lexus) are ready to consider an option to prank US President Joe Biden.

"We’ll see, why not, even Bush got his moment," Vovan said during the meeting with the youth in the Volgograd Region, answering a question, if the prankers are going to call Biden.

The prankers noted that they do not utilize AI algorithms in their pranks yet, but they do not rule out that they might use them in the future.

During the meeting, the two prankers read a lecture on prank journalism, analyzed their most famous pranks and taught how to promptly detect fake news, created by unfriendly mass media.

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