Russia to continue promoting traditional values, Kremlin spokesman says

Society & Culture May 06, 16:36

Dmitry Peskov also said that the goal was to "encourage our people to give birth to as many children as they can"

WASHINGTON, May 6. /TASS/. Traditional values are very important for Russia and Moscow will continue to promote them, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told The Washington Post.

"In this context (the need to increase the birth rate - TASS), spreading traditional values is extremely important for us and in this context, we have nothing in common with this extremist liberalism in terms of abandoning traditional human and religious values that we’re witnessing right now in European countries. This does not correspond with our understanding of what is right," he pointed out. Peskov added that Russia would "continue to make propaganda out of this, in the good sense of this word."

He also said that the goal was to "encourage our people to give birth to as many children as they can."

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly (parliament) that support for families with children was the fundamental moral choice of the Russian people. He noted that a big family should become part of the basic philosophy of life for Russian society and a guideline of the government strategy. The Russian leader pointed out that today, Russia and many other countries were facing declining birth rates. Still, the economic and social situation is not the only thing determining the trend, which largely depends on the life goals developed in the family and shaped through culture and education. This is why the work of all levels of government, "civic society and priests of traditional religions" is important in this regard, Putin concluded.

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