Falsification of WWII Katyn massacre case by Nazis akin to Bucha false flag — historian

Society & Culture April 12, 15:09

"The false flags that the Kiev regime is conducting today, such as the provocation in Bucha, when they planted dead bodies on purpose, brought in journalists and launched information propaganda, are very similar to what the Germans did in Katyn," Mikhail Myagkov noted

MOSCOW, April 12./TASS/. The Nazis' falsification of the "Katyn Case," together with an active information campaign accusing the USSR of the massacre of Polish soldiers and officers, looks very much like the false flag against Russia organized with the participation of the current Kiev regime in Bucha, Mikhail Myagkov, scientific director of the Russian Military Historical Society, told TASS in comments on archive documents declassified by the FSB.

"The false flags that the Kiev regime is conducting today, such as the provocation in Bucha, when they planted dead bodies on purpose, brought in journalists and launched information propaganda, are very similar to what the Germans did in Katyn. They also planted corpses, also brought in an international commission controlled by the Germans, and there were dozens of journalists who covered and publicized at the behest of the Germans," Myagkov said.

The events in the Katyn forest and in Bucha, he believes, "are very similar in their provocative nature, only then it was the Nazi regime, and today we are dealing with the Kiev neo-Nazi regime".

Earlier, the FSB Directorate for the Smolensk Region declassified archival documents on crimes committed by the Nazis in the Smolensk Region during the Great Patriotic War (part of WWII that the Soviet Union fought against Nazi Germany), including materials on the execution of Poles and the falsification of the "Katyn Case" by the German special services. It follows from the documents that Polish soldiers were shot in Katyn by German occupation troops, not by officers of the Soviet Union’s interior ministry.

The German military in January 1943 shot Polish soldiers and officers in the USSR’s Smolensk Region and then buried their bodies in the Katyn forest, according to documents declassified by the FSB Directorate for the Smolensk Region.

The materials include historical records, intelligence and special reports from the Smolensk counterintelligence service from 1944-1945. Among the documents is the interrogation report and personal testimony of German army member Walter Eber, who in January 1943, as a chauffeur in the German 567th Special Transport Battalion, transported Polish soldiers and officers from a camp near Minsk to the outskirts of Smolensk, where the Nazis shot them. In all, he says, about 1,000 prisoners of war were sent there in 20 six-ton vehicles.

Bucha false flag

In April 2022, Russian Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin said a criminal case had been opened after the Ukrainian provocation in the town of Bucha, Kiev region, under Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (public dissemination of deliberately false information about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation). He noted that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, in order to discredit the Russian army, supplied the Western media with what was allegedly footage from Bucha as proof of the mass killing of civilians in a deliberate and pre-planned false flag.

However, it is known, including from the statements from the head of the Bucha administration of March 31, 2022, that the Russian army left the settlement as early as March 30. The video that appeared immediately after the withdrawal of Russian troops, filmed by Ukrainians and circulated on social media, said nothing about the killings and death of civilians.

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