Moscow court slaps Twitch with $8,800 fine for prohibited content posting

Society & Culture December 04, 2023, 20:39

The so-called law on self control is effective from February 21, 2021

MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. The Tagansky Court of Moscow court has slapped the Twitch video streaming service with a 800,000 ruble ($8,800) fine for posting of information banned in Russia, the court’s press service told TASS.

"The court recognized Twitch Interactive as under Part 2, Article 13.50 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offenses (failure of a social network owner to discharge the obligation of monitoring for limiting access to information about production of drugs, methods of suicide or materials with pornographic images of underage persons) and has set the penalty as a fine in the amount of 800,000 rubles," the press service said.

The so-called law on self control is effective from February 21, 2021. Social networks are bound in line with this norm to monitor and delete on their own banned content posted on them.

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