Eviction of monks to let schismatics seize Kiev-Pechersk Lavra — Russian MFA

Society & Culture August 11, 2023, 15:03

"This news caused indignation and condemnation among all believers and Orthodox people," special ambassador Gennady Askaldovich stressed

MOSCOW, August 11. /TASS/. Kiev's decision to evict monks from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra will give the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU) an opportunity to seize the monastery and close it altogether, special ambassador Gennady Askaldovich, the special representative of the Russian foreign minister for cooperation in the field of ensuring the right to freedom of religion, has said in a commentary.

"It has become known that yesterday the economic court of Kiev sustained the lawsuit of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra reserve against the UOC, which allows the eviction of monks from the monastery. This news caused indignation and condemnation among all believers and Orthodox people. If this decision is enforced, the schismatics will have a direct way to seize and close down the great Orthodox shrine," he said.

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