Investigation ordered into attack on Russian reporter, lawyer in Chechnya

Society & Culture July 04, 2023, 18:27

"The situation is very bad. The lawyer and the journalist are in a fairly serious condition. Journalist Milashina is in a more serious condition, according to doctors, as her fingers were broken. The lawyer has taken a stab wound to the leg," Tamerlan Tsgoev said

MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. Russian Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin has ordered an investigation into the recent attack on a Russian reporter and a lawyer in the southern region of Chechnya, the committee said on Tuesday.

"The chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia has instructed the head of the Investigative Committee for the Chechen Republic, V. G. Volkov, to conduct an investigation and report on the attack on journalist Yelena Milashina and lawyer Alexander Nemov in the city of Grozny," the committee said.

Milashina and Nemov were assaulted by unidentified assailants. The victims have now been taken to a hospital in another southern Russian region, North Ossetia. According to North Ossetian human rights commissioner Tamerlan Tsgoev, both suffered multiple fractures and the lawyer was also stabbed. Russian human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova has reached out to the Chechen Investigative Committee, Interior Ministry and prosecutor’s office in connection with the incident. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the incident as "a very serious attack requiring very vigorous action" and said that the president had been briefed about the assault.

The victims are in grave condition and could be airlifted to Moscow, Tsgoev told reporters.

"The situation is very bad. The lawyer and the journalist are in a fairly serious condition. Journalist Milashina is in a more serious condition, according to doctors, as her fingers were broken. The lawyer has taken a stab wound to the leg," the commissioner said.

They are currently provided with all the necessary assistance, but also are being interviewed by the police.

"According to doctors, depending on the indications, if it is medically necessary, they will be airlifted to Moscow by a special flight. So far, this is work in progress. It's harder to communicate with Yelena as she's in a serious condition," Tamerlan Tsgoyev said.

Chechnya head Ramzan Kadyrov instructed law enforcement agencies to identify the perpetrators of the attack.

"We’ll get it straight. I have instructed competent services to make every effort to identify the assailants. The agencies got to work immediately after getting a report of the incident," he said on Telegram.

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