Russian watchdog demands that Facebook delete post insulting WWII veterans

Society & Culture May 29, 2021, 5:08

Publication of clearly offensive information that insults Russia’s military glory or offends WWII veterans constitutes a criminal offense in Russia

MOSCOW, May 29. /TASS/. Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) demanded that US company Facebook delete an Instagram post that insults the memory of World War II veterans, the watchdog said on its website on Friday.

"Roskomnadzor has sent a letter to Facebook Inc top management, demanding that content insulting the memory of World War II veterans be deleted," the watchdog said. "The governmental agency found the unlawful post on the Instagram social network, owned by Facebook."

According to Roskomnadzor, publication of clearly offensive information that insults Russia’s military glory and memorable dates, or desecrates military glory symbols, or offends WWII veterans constitutes a criminal offense in Russia and is subject to criminal proscution.

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