Mir-19 anti-coronavirus drug may be registered in Russia in late 2021

Society & Culture April 15, 2021, 15:20

On April 14, permission for Phase II clinical trials was received

MOSCOW, April 15./TASS/. The Russian Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA) plans to register its Mir-19 drug for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus at the end of this year, the agency’s head Veronika Skvortsova told journalists on Thursday.

"Yesterday, we received permission for Phase II clinical trials, and we are fully ready. Now, a second phase begins, and I am sure that it will take at least several months. So, if the efficacy is confirmed, I think we will get to the registration by the end of this year," Skvortsova said.

If the medicine proves efficient, the Federal Medical Biological Agency may roll out another pharmaceutical form - an oral and nasal spray. It will be aimed at preventing coronavirus in case of a contact with the infected person, she explained.

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