Moscow sets up about 120 COVID-19 vaccination sites

Society & Culture January 19, 2021, 18:28

In total, city officials plan to vaccinate about 6-7 mln people

MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Moscow has set up about 120 COVID-19 vaccination sites, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Tuesday during a session of the coordination council tasked with combating the spread of COVID-19.

"So far, Moscow has set up about 100 in-patient and 20 mobile [vaccination] sites," Sobyanin said.

Moscow launched COVID-19 vaccination on December 5, 2020. Moscow residents can sign up for vaccination online. In total, city officials plan to vaccinate about 6-7 mln people. The local government may also consider giving preferences to those who got the jab. The groups of citizens eligible for receiving the vaccine is being expanded constantly. Elderly residents of the Russian capital and people with chronic diseases can also be inoculated with the vaccine if they wish to do so.

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