Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters added to Ukraine’s Mirotvorets website database

Society & Culture August 27, 2018, 18:59

Waters earlier said that the Maidan events had been orchestrated in Washington, while Russia had the right to the Crimean city of Sevastopol

KIEV, August 27. /TASS/. Pink Floyd's former frontman Roger Waters has been added to the database of Ukraine’s notorious Mirotvorets (or Peacekeeper) website following an interview with Russia’s Izvestia daily.

A statement published on the website explains the reasons for the move, accusing Waters of "propaganda against Ukraine, attempts to infringe on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and participation in attempts to legalize Russia’s annexation of Crimea."

While talking to Izvestia, Waters said that the Maidan events, which took place in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev in the winter of 2013-2014, had been orchestrated in Washington, while Russia had the right to the Crimean city of Sevastopol.

In response to a question about Crimea’s status, the musician said that he was not an expert on politics but he knew how important Sevastopol was for Russia and Russians. According to him, there are a lot of agreements and documents proving Russia’s right to the city, while the change of power in Ukraine only prompted Russia to take action.

The Mirotvorets website was launched in the spring of 2014 for identifying Donbass self-defense militias and those aiding them. The database includes information on people who could allegedly commit crimes against Ukraine’s national security. It is not an official Internet resource but experience shows that Ukrainian border guards bar people on the Mirotvorets list from entering the country.

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