Russia’s Progress MS-25 cargo ship undocks from ISS to vacate port for new space freighter

Science & Space May 28, 12:12

The Progress MS-25 space freighter arrived at the orbital outpost on December 3, 2023, delivering over 2.5 tons of cargo

MOSCOW, May 28. /TASS/. The Progress MS-25 cargo ship has undocked from the Poisk mini-research module of the Russian segment on the International Space Station (ISS) to free up the docking port for the next space freighter, Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos said during a live broadcast on Tuesday.

The Progress MS-25 resupply ship is set to fire braking thrusters at 2:48 p.m. Moscow time (11:48 a.m. GMT) to deorbit and enter the dense layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. Most of the resupply ship will burn out in the atmosphere while its incombustible fragments will splash down in the non-navigable area of the southern Pacific Ocean at around 3:29 p.m. Moscow time (12:29 p.m. GMT).

The Progress MS-25 space freighter arrived at the orbital outpost on December 3, 2023, delivering over 2.5 tons of cargo.

The Progress MS-25 cargo craft will vacate its place for the Progress MS-27 resupply ship scheduled to blast off from the Baikonur cosmodrome on May 30 and dock with the ISS on June 1.

The Progress MS is a Russian automated cargo spacecraft developed specially for servicing orbital stations. It is used to deliver various cargo to the orbital outpost (propellant, scientific equipment, oxygen, potable water, food and other items), and also to adjust its orbit.

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