Political turmoil on Earth does not affect space cooperation, says Russian cosmonaut

Science & Space April 11, 2022, 22:26

Oleg Artemyev said that the astronauts first of all discuss any conflict situation, settling it whenever possible with the help of their connections and people who remain on Earth

MOSCOW, April 11./TASS/. Work of the Russian and foreign crews on board the International Space Station continues as usual, there are no difficulties in communication despite the political situation on Earth, TASS special correspondent, cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev told the Sputnik radio station on Monday.

"The communication [continues] in the routine mode, there are no unpleasant aspects whatsoever. <…> This is not felt on board the station in any way, the attitude is friendly, and one may get a feeling that no [news] reach the American segment," the cosmonaut noted when asked about communication between the international crews.

He said that the astronauts first of all discuss any conflict situation, settling it whenever possible with the help of their connections and people who remain on Earth. "We have known them for many years, those who we fly with, and of course the most important things for us, the things that come first are the family values, peace at home. <…>. And what you are talking about, political aspects, they are not present in any way, of course," Artemyev added.

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