Russia’s Gamaleya Center ready to share its vaccine purification technology

Science & Space April 14, 2021, 20:58

The center explained that any vaccine based on adenoviral vectors has its individual features, and it would not be right to compare such vaccines directly

MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The Gamaleya Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology is ready to share its vaccine purification technologies with other developers to minimize the risk of side effects, the center’s statement published on Wednesday reads.

It is noted that on the outcomes of an analysis of the results of clinical trials and mass vaccination with Sputnik V, no cases of venous sinus thrombosis of the human brain were documented. During the production of Sputnik V, a purification technology is used that includes two stages of chromatographic purification and two stages of tangential filtration.

The center explained that any vaccine based on adenoviral vectors has its individual features, and it would not be right to compare such vaccines directly. "Due to this, there are no grounds to extrapolate the safety data acquired during the use of one vaccine on the safety data of other vaccines," the message says.

Earlier, the European Medicines Agency confirmed the connection between inoculation with a vaccine by AstraZeneca and development of thrombosis. Additionally, on Tuesday, American regulators recommended to suspend the vaccination campaign with a vaccine by Johnson & Johnson because of several cases of blood clots. Later, the company announced that it would delay supplying its vaccine to the EU. The Russian Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare informed that not a single case of blood clot formation after inoculation with the Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 has been detected.

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