Northern Fleet’s hydrographers begin expedition to study Arctic seas

Science & Space August 09, 2019, 17:56

According to forecasts, the expedition will work in complicated ice conditions

TASS, August 9. The Northern Fleet’s Gorizont (Horizon) hydrographic survey vessel began an Arctic expedition, the Northern Fleet’s press service said on Thursday.

"A scientific expedition to the Arctic seas for the Northern Fleet’s Gorizont hydrographic vessel, under command of Captain Vitaly Khopryachkov, began from the Mishukovo home base," the press service said. "The vessel heads for the Barents Sea."

"Within two months, specialists will conduct oceanographic studies in waters of the Barents, Kara, East Siberian and Laptev Seas," the statement reads.

The research vessel participates in Arctic expeditions for the third year running, the press service said. During the current voyage, scientists will make photos of the seabed and will study coastlines on some islands of the Novaya and Northern Land archipelagoes, and on the New Siberian Islands. According to forecasts, the expedition will work in complicated ice conditions.

"A year earlier, the hydrographers spent 70 days in the voyage, which was a record," the press service reported. "Near the Novaya Zemlya’s Vice glacier, they confirmed existence of an island, which the Moscow Region’s school students had found on pictures from the space."

"The Northern Fleet’s studies were in the interests of updating the navigation maps and sailing regulations, as well as in the interests of the Northern Fleet," the press service said.

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