TUI Russia names most popular summer destinations of Russian tourists

Russia July 16, 2015, 19:58

According to the company, Turkey, Egypt and Bulgaria were the most popular among tourists from Russia

MOSCOW, July 16. /TASS/. Turkey, Egypt and Bulgaria became the most popular destinations for Russian tourists this summer, the association of Russian tour operators said on Thursday citing TUI Russia company.

"Despite the economic instability in the country, TUI travel agencies note positive sales dynamics for tours. Turkey, Egypt and Bulgaria became the most popular summer destinations," the company said.

The average amount received per head equals $700-850 or 15-20% less than the trip price last year, the tour operator said. The most popular duration of tours for the time being is ten nights.

The booking pattern declined for the majority of destinations by approximately 10% to 45 days. Montenegro, Spain and Croatia are the exception with the indicator being up 15-25%, the company said.

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