Night Wolves bikers give performance for children from Donbas

Russia January 23, 2015, 9:56

The club's leader, an activist of the Anti-Maidan movement, Alexander Zaldostanov, nicknamed Hirurg (Surgeon), said the children should see not only fairy tales, but also patriotic performances

MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. Motorcyclists of the Night Wolves club have given a New Year show in Moscow for children from Donbas.

The bikers invited more than 50 children from Luhansk to see the show.

The leader of the motorcyclists’ club, an activist of the Anti-Maidan movement and the author of the performance, Alexander Zaldostanov, nicknamed Hirurg (Surgeon), said it was important for children to see not only fairy tales, but also patriotic performances.

“We must bring up children with a sense of patriotism. They must love their native land and be able to defend it in a hard situation,” he told TASS after the show.

In the performance, various tale characters united to defend the motherland and forced enemies out. The bikers in the bright show demonstrated their riding skills, jumps and other features, which were watched by the small spectators with amazement and admiration. It was accompanied with a fire show.

The bikers’ leader said they would give two more performances for children from Donbas — on January 23 and 24.

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