Crimean accession: right decision, final and irreversible — poll

Russia July 09, 2014, 15:25

Foreign politicians refusing to recognise Crimea as part of Russia

MOSCOW, July 09. /ITAR-TASS/. More than 90% of Russians say Crimea's accession to Russia was the right move, nationwide survey results say.

94% welcomed the move by Crimea and the peninsula's federal Russian port city of Sevastopol - primarily Russian-speaking and home to Russia's Black Sea naval fleet.

Soundings were taken among 1,600 respondents in 42 Russian regions. And politicians across the spectrum took the same positive view, percentages registering support at similar high levels.

Three months after reunification with Russia, 92% of poll respondents rate the decision as final and irreversible, according to WCIOM Public Opinion Studies Foundation.

Foreign politicians refusing to recognise Crimea as part of Russia should be ignored without comment, said 52% of those asked. One in ten recommended negotiations at an international level to justify accession's legitimacy.

75% saw benefits to Russia from deploying Black Sea Fleet bases free of charge and the return of a major resort zone.

20% said the move had returned territory which once belonged to Russia while 42% noted negative consequences involved in funding development of a newly-adopted region. 33% envisaged conflict with third countries.

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