US State Department human rights report filled with double standards — Dolgov

Russia March 04, 2014, 18:30

In his view, the document “has the same flaws that were typical for previous similar reports”

MOSCOW, March 04. /ITAR-TASS/. The US State Department report on human rights situation in the world in 2013 is filled with double standards, including over tragic events in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry’s commissioner for human rights, democracy and supremacy of law Konstantin Dolgov said on Tuesday.

In his view, the document “has the same flaws that were typical for previous similar reports.” “The document is cramped with selective and stereotype assessments with the use of double standards, for instance, regarding tragic events in Ukraine,” Dolgov noted.

“It is noteworthy that speaking about human rights situation in other countries and finding “particularly guilty” countries, the US persistently hushes up unfavorable situation in this sphere in the US,” Dolgov said. “There are two examples of this. This is worldwide known acute problems with equal suffrage rights in the US and their equal access to justice. It is no less alarming that the U.S. remains a world “leader” in the number of prisoners with 2.2 million convicts,” he noted.

“We recommend insistently again to US authorities to be more self-critical and finally acquire the practice of other countries, where annual domestic reports on observance of human rights in these countries are delivered, as it is done, for instance, in Russia through the ombudsman,” the Russian Foreign Ministry’s envoy added.

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