Russian government to answer ECHR questions re Bolotnaya Square riot case

Russia November 20, 2013, 13:14

The plaintiffs asked the ECHR to commit Russia to eliminate these violations and pay a compensation of EUR100,000 to each

MOSCOW, November 20. /ITAR-TASS/. The Russian government should answer questions of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the case over riots in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square in spring of 2012 by January 17, 2014, a lawyer told a news conference on Wednesday.

"The ECHR combined six petitions from our clients, gave priority to their case, and raised questions before the Russian government, such as illegality of the arrest, inhuman treatment and violation of the right to defense," lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky who represents the interests of several riot case suspects, said.

Agranovsky said his clients had suffered exhausting trips from remand prisons to courts late at night, had to skip their meals sometimes and did not get enough sleep.

The plaintiffs asked the ECHR to commit Russia to eliminate these violations and pay a compensation of EUR100,000 to each.

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