Deadline for Russian presidential candidates to file documents expires

Russia January 01, 19:50

Nikolay Bulayev, the deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, said earlier that there were now 11 names on the list of possible presidential candidates

MOSCOW, January 1. /TASS/. Russia’s Central Election Commission has finished accepting documents from applicants for participation in Russia’s presidential election nominated by political parties.

"At 6:00 p.m. Moscow time (3:00 p.m. GMT) today the deadline for submitting to the CEC the decisions of the congresses of political parties to nominate candidates for the post of President of the Russian Federation expired," the CEC said in a message in its Telegram channel.

Prior to that, on December 27, the deadline for accepting documents for registering voter groups created in support of self-nominated candidates ended.

Nikolay Bulayev, the deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, told TASS earlier that there were now 11 names on the list of possible presidential candidates. Another 30 people who had earlier notified the commission of their intention to take part in the presidential election have not reached this stage.


Possible candidates


At the moment, the list of possible candidates includes three self-nominated candidates - the incumbent, President Vladimir Putin, bloggers Rada Russkikh and Anatoly Batashev, and eight candidates from political parties - Leonid Slutsky (LDPR), Nikolai Kharitonov (KPRF), Vladislav Davankov (New People), Sergey Baburin (Russian People's Union), Andrey Bogdanov (Russian Party of Freedom and Justice), Boris Nadezhdin (Civic Initiative), Sergey Malinkovich (Communists of Russia), and Irina Sviridova (Democratic Party of Russia). All of them have submitted nomination papers to start their campaigns. By January 31, self-nominated candidates are expected to present 300,000 signatures in their support to be registered as candidates, while nominees from out of parliament parties - 100,000 signatures. Three parties - CPRF, LDPR, and New People - are represented in the Duma. Their candidates do not have to collect signatures.

The Federation Council has scheduled the election for March 17, 2024. The voting will last three days: March 15, 16 and 17. It will be Russia’s first three-day long presidential election.

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