No surge in COVID, flu incidence expected in Russia during holidays — expert

Russia January 05, 2023, 1:58

According to Russia’s sanitary watchdog, the incidence of flu and acute respiratory disease in Russia as of January 3 dropped by 29.3% on the previous week

MOSCOW, January 5. /TASS/. A serious surge in the incidence of acute respiratory infections, flu and COVID-19 in not expected in Russia during the New Year holidays because both outbound and inbound tourism is at a very low level, Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, told TASS on Thursday.

"The probability of a rise in the Covid-19, flu and respiratory infections incidence during the holidays is very law because our citizens will not travel across the globe very extensively during the New Year holidays. Inbound tourism is not very extensive either," he said.

According to Russia’s sanitary watchdog, the incidence of flu and acute respiratory disease in Russia as of January 3 dropped by 29.3% on the previous week.

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