Russia says Kim Jong-un’s visit to Beijing crucial for settling North Korean crisis

Russian Politics & Diplomacy March 28, 2018, 11:53

The North Korean leader’s visit to Beijing was held on March 25-28

MOSCOW, March 28. /TASS/. Moscow views the visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to Beijing as an important step towards consolidating progress in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

"We welcome the meeting between the leaders of China and North Korea held in Beijing," the ministry stressed. "We view the talks as an important step in consolidating positive tendencies seen of late in the development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and around it."

The ministry confirmed Moscow’s readiness to continue close cooperation with Chinese partners and "make active efforts" to contribute to settling regional problems by peaceful political and diplomatic means through "a direct dialogue between all the parties concerned."

The North Korean leader’s visit to Beijing was held on March 25-28. During the trip, Kim Jong-un held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. According to Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un’s visit shows the great importance that the North Korean leader attaches to the development of relations with China.

The trip to China was the first foreign visit for Kim Jong-un since taking the reins of power after his father’s death in 2011. The North Korean leader’s wife Ri Sol-ju accompanied him during the visit.

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