US imposes erroneous idea of Syria chemical attacks perpetrators — Foreign Ministry

Russian Politics & Diplomacy January 19, 2018, 21:14

The Russian Foreign Ministry described the document compiled by the US "as an attempt to mislead its readers"

MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Russia calls on its UN Security Council partners to assess the United States’ attempts to impose an erroneous idea of the perpetrators of chemical incidents in Syria on the global community, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

The ministry recalled that on January 9 the US delegation to the UN Security Council circulated an unofficial document containing the US assessment of Russia’s stance regarding the use of chemical weapons and toxic chemical agents in Syria. "After studying it, we have to state that this material’s content has nothing to do with reality and completely distorts our country’s approach toward investigating such incidents," the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed. "Unfortunately, while compiling this document, our American counterparts resorted to a blatant manipulation and juggling with facts."

The Russian Foreign Ministry described the document compiled by the US "as an attempt to mislead its readers." "Especially considering that Russia’s stance on the Khan Shaykhun chemical incident that occurred on April 4, 2017, was outlined clearly and in detail in the materials of the joint news conference of representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and the Ministry of Industry and Trade," the ministry said. "We once again urge our UN Security Council partners to show common sense and assess impartially the essence of the United States’ attempts to impose an erroneous idea of the perpetrators of chemical incidents in Syria on the world community."

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