Russia might provide adequate response to new US national security strategy

Russian Politics & Diplomacy December 19, 2017, 15:31

On December 18, the White House unveiled the new US national security strategy

MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. Washington’s new national security policy, which was unveiled on Monday, has become tougher and more aggressive, however Russia is able to provide an adequate response to it, according to Franz Klintsevich, First Deputy Head of the Federation Council (upper house) Committee on Defense and Security.

"The mere personality of [US President] Donald Trump has apparently had a certain impact on the revised US national security policy. This strategy, overall, has become more definite, tough and aggressive. Unfortunately, in our modern-day world, only force, smart force, is able to counter aggression. Thus, I think Russia’s response to it will be within this very pattern," the senator told journalists on Tuesday.

Klintsevich believes that although the revised strategy has a number of new nuances, but its essence remains the same - "peace through strength" or "national security through absolute hegemony."

"According to Washington, Russia and China challenge US’ influence, values and wealth by their mere existence. The strategy mentions a great partnership, which the US will try to establish with these countries, but does it briefly and matter-of-factly," the senator’s press-service quotes him as saying.

Trump’s new national security strategy

On Monday, the White House unveiled the new US national security strategy. Several items of the manual refer to Russia. The document claims, among others, that Russia’s ambitions and military capabilities create an unstable border-line in Eurasia, where the risks of a military conflict allegedly intensify due to some miscalculations of Moscow.

The report also claims that the deployment of the US’ multilevel anti-missile defense system "won’t undermine the strategic relationship with Russia and China" as this system will be used solely for the defense of the US against possible missile attacks from North Korea and Iran. The revised strategy also asserts that China and Russia are developing weapons capable of threatening US infrastructure and the units of its command and control systems.

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