Russia vetoes UNSC resolution on prolonging mandate of investigative mission in Syria

Russian Politics & Diplomacy November 18, 2017, 4:34

China abstained from voting

UNITED NATIONS, November 18. /TASS/. UN Security Council failed to pass a resolution on technical prolongation of the mandate of the Joint Mechanim of the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [OPCW] for investigation of chemical attacks in Syria for another 30 days. Russia vetoed the document.

Bolivia was one more country that voted against the resolution, while China abstained from voting. All other twelve members of the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution drafted by Japan.

The powers of the investigation commission expire at midnight Eastern Standard Time [05:00 hours UTC, 08:00 hours Moscow Standard Time].

On Thursday, Russia vetoed a U.S.-drafted resolution on prolongation of the commission's unchanged mandate for another twelve months. An alternative text of the resolution drafted by Moscow did not rally the necessary number of votes of the Security Council members.

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