Russia denounces North Korea’s actions to develop nuclear program

Russian Politics & Diplomacy October 16, 2017, 12:12

Russia's top senator has met with the speaker of the South Korean National Assembly

ST. PETERSBURG. October 16. /TASS/. Russia strongly denounces North Korea’s actions to develop its military nuclear program and urges the international community to strict comply with all the UN Security Council resolutions, Speaker of the upper house of Russia’s parliament Valentina Matviyenko said on Monday.

The speaker of Russia’s Federation Council made this statement at a meeting with Speaker of the National Assembly of South Korea Chung Sye-kyun on the sidelines of the 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly.

"We strongly denounce North Korea’s actions for developing its nuclear armament program and the tests they conduct and urge the entire international community to strictly comply with the UN Security Council resolutions," she said.

The speaker of the upper house of the Russia parliament noted that Russia, like other Security Council members, also backed the latest resolution adopted by the UN Security Council."

The situation on the Korean Peninsula has deteriorated sharply in recent months, especially after Pyongyang conducted in July two tests of ballistic missiles, which both North Korea and the United States qualify as intercontinental ballistic missile systems.

In the wake of Pyongyang’s nuclear tests, the UN Security Council has passed two resolutions, tightening international sanctions against North Korea.

Besides, Pyongyang has announced the possibility of carrying out a nuclear test in the Pacific Ocean soon while US President Donald Trump has threatened to totally destroy North Korea.

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