Zakharova: US began campaign not only against RT, but also against TASS and Russian papers

Russian Politics & Diplomacy October 01, 2017, 17:41

Spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry added that response will follow if the US "makes conditions, threatening reporters physically" and "they physically feel every day a threat to their work"

MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. The US has launched a campaign not only against the RT television channel, but also against TASS and some Russian newspapers and reporters, spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in an interview with the Sunday Evening television program.

"What is beginning now in the US against our television channels - and not only against Russia Today - similar campaign is also against the TASS agency, against other information newspapers, and generally our reporters: they are coming, they are putting names on lists, would not extend accreditations, visas and so on," she said.

This campaign is a colossal mistake, she added, stressing the Russian side "had never initiated sending out anybody, or closing visas for anyone."

"A response should be not in force actions. We are not making this mistake, as for us the freedom of media is absolutely sacred," she said. "Responses should be similar - responding to bad materials by giving more information."

Russia’s response will follow, she said, if the US "makes conditions, threatening reporters physically" and "they physically feel every day a threat to their work."

"The choice is not ours," she said.

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