Russia to sue US over seizure of diplomatic property, Lavrov tells Tillerson

Russian Politics & Diplomacy September 05, 2017, 18:42

The Russian Foreign Ministry will file a lawsuit for the protection of Russian diplomatic property in the United States

MOSCOW, September 5. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has informed US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about Moscow’s plans to go to court over Washington’s illegal actions in respect of Russian diplomatic property, the Russian foreign ministry said on Tuesday after a telephone conversation between the two top diplomats.

"The sides discussed the situation in bilateral relations and Lavrov stressed that the seizure of Russian diplomatic property in the United States by the US authorities is a flagrant violation of international law," the ministry said. "The minister drew attention of the US top diplomat to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement at a news conference after the BRICS summit in China’s Xiamen that the Russian side plans to use court procedures over Washington’s illegal actions."

The Russian Foreign Ministry will file a lawsuit for the protection of Russian diplomatic property in the United States at a court where its consideration would protect Moscow’s interests in the most effective way.

"It is up to the Foreign Ministry to decide what court the case is to be taken to. President Vladimir Putin has issued on-line instructions to Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov," Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media. "The Ministry will now be looking for the best option that would allow for protecting our legitimate interests in the juridical dimension."

Peskov kept quiet about what properties might feature in the lawsuit adding that lawyers would be work on it.

Earlier on Tuesday Putin told the media: "The American side has stripped Russia of the right to use its property - this is obvious violation of proprietary rights of the Russian side. To begin with I will issue instructions to the Foreign Ministry to take the case to court. Let us see how effectively the vaunted US judicial system works."

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