Russia submits to UN draft resolution on peacekeepers in Donbass — envoy

Russian Politics & Diplomacy September 05, 2017, 18:09

The draft will be examined by experts from the UN Security Council

UNITED NATIONS, September 5. /TASS/. Russia has submitted to the UN Security Council’s President Tekeda Alemu and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres a draft resolution on the deployment of peacekeepers along the engagement line in Donbass, Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya told the media on Tuesday.

"Today we dispatched a corresponding draft resolution to the UN Security Council’s President and UN Secretary-General. We hope that it will be circulated among the council’s members soon," Nebenzya said. In the near future the draft will be examined by experts from the UN Security Council’s member-states, he said. The main round of negotiations would begin next week after the permanent representatives are back from a trip to Ethiopia.

Nebenzya did not specify the date when the draft might be submitted to the UN Security Council for consideration.

"Voting is not on the agenda at the moment. We circulated it just for reference purposes," he stated.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier on Tuesday said that Russia would propose a UN Security Council resolution on the placement of UN peacekeepers along the line of engagement in Donbass for ensuring the safety of OSCE personnel. He added that the deployment of UN forces would be possible only after the pullback of weapons and coordination with the self-proclaimed Donbass republics.

Putin said the presence of UN forces for maintaining the security of the OSCE mission in Donbass would contribute to the solution of problems in southeastern Ukraine.

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