Russian, Brazilian presidents sign statement on strategic foreign policy dialogue

Russian Politics & Diplomacy June 21, 2017, 16:27

Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay an official visit to Brazil

MOSCOW, June 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Brazilian counterpart Michel Temer have signed a joint statement on strategic foreign policy dialogue following their talks held in the Kremlin.

According to the document, the leaders "have made a decision to boost strategic foreign policy dialogue between the two countries." "Russia and Brazil will make efforts to build a more fair, democratic and multipolar system of international relations based on the central role of the United Nations, the supremacy of international law and the joint activities of global community members," the statement reads. At the same time, the parties emphasized the importance of steps aimed at advancing the reform of the United Nations.

Russia and Brazil also pointed to the "importance of resolving differences peacefully, through political and diplomatic means." The two presidents said that "respect for the principles of goodwill, sovereign equality of states, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states and cooperation cannot go hand in hand with the unilateral use of restricting measures and economic sanctions not based on international law."

In addition, Moscow and Rio de Janeiro spoke out in favor of "enhancing coordination in order to combat old and new threats." The two countries expressed support for the activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and commended the Agency’s steps aimed at facilitating the peaceful use of nuclear energy. "Russia and Brazil will consider the possibility of expanding cooperation in the field of the peaceful use of nuclear energy," Putin and Temer said in the joint statement. In this connection, the document points to the construction of the third reactor of the Angra Nuclear Power Plant which has been completed recently, as well as to the construction of new nuclear power plants in Brazil.

"Russia and Brazil will continue bilateral exchange in the defense sphere and in other fields of mutual interest," the statement adds. It also enshrines the two countries’ "readiness to boost meaningful, equal and mutually beneficial military cooperation.".

Putin will pay an official visit to Brazil. "Brazilian President Michel Temer invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to pay an official visit to Brazil at a date and time that will be convenient for him, which will be coordinated through diplomatic channels," the document reads. The statement added that "the invitation was gratefully accepted."

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