Russia concerned over Syrian opposition's refusal to implement peace plan

Russian Politics & Diplomacy September 12, 2016, 20:21

The Russian Foreign Ministry hopes US exerts influence on Syria’s moderate opposition on ceasefire matters

MOSCOW, September 12. /TASS/. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday it is concerned over the fact that some groups of the Syrian armed opposition, with Ahrar al-Sham as the biggest of them, have refused to obey by the Russian-U.S. agreements on cessation of hostilities in Syria.

"The reaction from certain armed groups of the Syrian opposition, the biggest of which is Ahrar al-Sham, which have refused to follow the Russian-U.S. agreements and declared their unwillingness to break away from their ‘comrades in arms’ from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia - TASS), causes the most profound concern," the ministry said. "In this context, it is worth reminding that despite our consistent calls the United States has given no consent to put Ahrar al-Sham on the United Nations terrorist list."

Moscow welcomes government’s consent to endorse Russian-U.S. agreements

According to the ministry, Russia welcomes the Syrian government’s consent to endorse and implement the Russian-U.S. agreements on Syria.

"A package of Russian-U.S. agreements adopted in a serious of consultations, which have been under way since February, is taking effect on September 12. Their aim is to increase coordination of struggle against terrorism in Syria; strengthen the regime of the cessation of military hostilities; contribute to the solution of humanitarian problems thus creating conditions for launching a comprehensive political process in Syria. All the participants in the cessation of the military hostilities regime will cease all fire at 19:00 Damascus time and will observe the ceasefire," the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed.

"Moscow welcomes the public confirmation by the Syrian government of its agreement with the Russian-U.S. accords and readiness to implement them," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Moscow hopes US exerts influence on Syria’s moderate opposition 

The ministry went on to say that it hopes the United States exerts due influence on the Syrian ‘moderate’ opposition groups they support to have them completely fulfill the terms of the regime of cessation of hostilities.

"We hope the American side walks its part of the road and exerts due influence on those it considers Syria’s ‘moderate’ opposition to have them completely obey by the regime of cessation of hostilities and implement the Russian-U.S. agreements," the ministry said.

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