US can’t intimidate Moscow by brandishing 'nuclear sledgehammer' — Russian intel chief

Russian Politics & Diplomacy August 29, 16:12

As Sergey Naryshkin pointed out, "the US wants to show off that very 'nuclear sledgehammer' that US President Harry Truman had sought to intimidate the Soviet Union with in 1945"

MOSCOW, August 29. /TASS/. Washington isn’t shy about waving its "nuclear sledgehammer" for the whole world to see, but Moscow will not cower from this, Sergey Naryshkin, director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), said.

"The subcritical experiment that the US conducted in an underground nuclear testing laboratory at a Nevada facility on May 14 is a cause for concern. The experiment wasn’t a full-fledged nuclear test and formally, it violates neither the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty nor the US moratorium on nuclear tests. However, it clearly indicates that the US wants to show off that very 'nuclear sledgehammer' that US President Harry Truman had sought to intimidate the Soviet Union with in 1945," Naryshkin said at a conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of testing of the Soviet Union's first nuclear bomb, the RDS-1.

"It didn’t work back then and it won’t work now," the SVR chief stressed. He noted with regret that the lessons of World War II and the Cold War "are quickly forgotten by those who find it beneficial."

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