Russia calls on BRICS to pool efforts against use of e-payment systems by terrorists

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin lauded dialogue between the countries’ law enforcement on criminal prosecution and punishment of terrorists as useful

MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. Russia calls on BRICS countries to consolidate efforts to fight against the use of virtual payment systems by terrorists, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said.

"Our common task is to make a contribution to global efforts geared to consolidate international peace and security," he said at a plenary session of the BRICS working group on anti-terrorist fight. "It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that over the years of its existence the group has established itself as an efficient platform for the discussion of the most pressing problems on the anti-terrorist agenda. Each of our countries has a unique experience, which should be combined in the interests of the entire humankind."

The senior Russian diplomat lauded dialogue between the countries’ law enforcement on criminal prosecution and punishment of terrorists as useful.

"Regrettably, the threat of terrorism is still topical. Jihadism is expanding ideologically and financially, recruiting new supporters and resources," he noted. "Technological progress, the variety of virtual payment systems, illegal trade in the shadow sector of the internet and the so-called crowd-funding help criminals finance their activity being out of sight of special services."

"Our joint work, including within multilateral format, first of all the United Nations, is of paramount importance in terms of fighting terrorism," Vershinin stressed. "It is especially important today, when a multipolar world order is emerging, when the global balance of power is changing in favor of the global majority and new centers of development are strengthening.".

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