Duma passes bill expanding list of foreign organizations that can be deemed undesirable

The current rules allow only the activities of foreign NGOs to be recognized as undesirable in Russia

MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. The bill providing for the possibility to recognize any foreign organizations, including those whose founders are foreign government agencies, as undesirable in Russia, has passed the second and third readings in the State Duma lower house of parliament.

Amendments are made to a number of laws, including the law "On Measures of Influence on Persons Involved in Violations of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms, Rights and Freedoms of Citizens of the Russian Federation."

The current rules allow only the activities of foreign NGOs to be recognized as undesirable in Russia. The new regulations make it possible to recognize as undesirable in Russia the activities of any foreign organizations, including those where the founders are state agencies. At the same time, the changes will not apply to international intergovernmental organizations of which Russia is a member, as well as to organizations that are part of the structure of government entities of a foreign state.

Under the document, a foreign organization - both non-governmental and established by foreign government agencies - may be declared undesirable in the Russian Federation if its activities pose a threat to the foundations of Russia’s constitutional order, the country's defense capability or security, as well as if such an organization will promote or hinder the nomination and election of candidates in Russian elections, the holding of a referendum and achieving a certain result in a poll or a referendum. If the amendments come into effect, the current procedure for declaring an organization undesirable in Russia will also apply to foreign organizations founded by foreign government agencies. They will also be subject to all restrictions in effect for undesirable NGOs.

Amendments were also adopted in the second reading, according to which persons put on the list of any foreign and international organizations deemed undesirable in Russia will not be able to be founders, members and participants of a non-profit organization or public association.

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