State Duma introduces fines for participation in undesirable foreign organizations

Thus, the words "non-governmental" were excluded from Article 20.33 of the Code (participation in the activities of a foreign or international NGO whose activities have been recognized undesirable in Russia)

MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. The State Duma has adopted at its plenary session in the second and third readings at once the draft amendments to the Russian Code of Administrative Offenses on liability for participation in the activities of any foreign organizations recognized undesirable in Russia, including the ones established by foreign government agencies.

The document belongs to a package of initiatives aimed at making it possible to recognize the activities of foreign organizations with state participation as undesirable in Russia.

Thus, the words "non-governmental" were excluded from Article 20.33 of the Code (participation in the activities of a foreign or international NGO whose activities have been recognized undesirable in Russia).

The existing penalties for participation in the activities of foreign NGOs deemed undesirable in Russia will be extended to participation in all undesirable foreign organizations, regardless of their ownership.

Citizens will face a fine of up to 15,000 rubles ($170) for such a violation, officials - up to 50,000 rubles ($565), legal entities - up to 100,000 rubles ($1,100).

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