State Duma introduces liability for participation in any undesirable foreign organization

The document is part of a package of initiatives aimed at the possibility of recognizing the activities of foreign organizations with state participation as undesirable in Russia

MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. The State Duma, the lower chamber of the Russian government, has adopted in the second and third readings the amendments to the Criminal Code on liability for participation in the activities of any foreign organizations recognized as undesirable in Russia, including those established by foreign governments.

The document is part of a package of initiatives aimed at the possibility of recognizing the activities of foreign organizations with state participation as undesirable in Russia.

Thus, the sanctions currently in force in Russia regarding the activities of foreign NGOs will be extended to participation in any foreign organization declared undesirable in Russia, regardless of the form of ownership.

The bill also states that citizens can be fined, forced to work, or sentenced to up to four years in prison for collecting funds or making payments to a foreign organization. In addition, establishing a foreign or international organization declared undesirable in Russia will now be punishable by six years in prison.

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