Russian, Jordanian diplomats discuss ceasefire in Gaza — Foreign Ministry

"Special attention will be paid to the tasks of rendering humanitarian support for all who are in need for it, including based on the resolutions of the June 11 international conference on urgent humanitarian assistance to Gaza in Jordan," the ministry reported

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The situation in the Gaza Strip and the importance of a ceasefire as a stabilizing factor in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict were the focus of a meeting between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin and Jordanian Ambassador to Moscow Khaled Shawabkeh, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"The sides stressed the importance of further collective international efforts in the interests of a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire, first of all in the Gaza Strip, the stabilization of the situation in the West Bank and along the blue line with Lebanon," the ministry said. "Special attention will be paid to the tasks of rendering humanitarian support for all who are in need for it, including based on the resolutions of the June 11 international conference on urgent humanitarian assistance to Gaza in Jordan."

The senior Russian diplomat also informed the Jordanian ambassador "about preparations for Russia’s presidency in the United Nation Security Council in July and its plans to focus attention on the problems of the Middle East settlement," the ministry said.

Apart from that, they "exchanged views on the discussions of the current situation in the Middle East in New York and within other international format amid the continuing escalation of violence in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and its spread to the region in general," it added.

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