No EU sanctions can undermine Russian economy — MFA

Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova recalled that the new sanctions provide for illegal measures against the Russian energy sector, designed to limit or completely block the supply of Russian oil and gas to the world market

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. All previous EU sanctions have failed to undermine the Russian economy, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a commentary following the introduction of the 14th package of unilateral restrictions from Brussels.

"On June 24, the European Union announced the adoption of another - the 14th since February 2022 - package of anti-Russian sanctions. On the same day, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement about our response measures. In a broader sense, I can add, that all the sanctions previously adopted by Brussels have failed. Contrary to the calculations of the EU "strategists," they were never able to undermine the Russian economy, much less destroy the unity of our people in the face of an external threat from the United States and its henchmen," the diplomat said.

She recalled that the new sanctions provide for illegal measures against the Russian energy sector, designed to limit or completely block the supply of Russian oil and gas to the world market.

"For example, Brussels has introduced a ban on the use of its infrastructure for the supply of Russian LNG to any countries, with the exception of members of the European Union itself," the commentary says.

"In addition, essentially "piracy" measures are envisaged against Russian ships participating in international trade transportation in the interests of Russia and its partners, as well as new obstacles to payments for supplies of Russian products. It is clear that in such a way the EU leaders express their impotent indignation due to the fact that Russia has redirected its goods, including energy resources, to markets of friendly countries, and the European Union itself is now forced to purchase natural gas at exorbitant prices from its overseas overlord," Zakharova said.

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