Russia never interfered in US electoral processes, not to do that now — Kremlin spokesman

Dmitry Peskov pointed out that "there have been repeated investigations in the US itself, many accused Russia there," however, Washington "concluded on its own that no interference took place"

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Russia considers electoral processes in the US an internal affair of this country and will not provide any assessments to the election debates. Moscow has never interfered in electoral campaigns and will not do that now, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov underscored.

"This is an internal affair of the United States, this is an election campaign of the United States," the spokesman said, commenting on the debates that took place earlier. "We have no intention at all to provide assessments to these debates."

"We have never interfered in electoral campaigns," Peskov underscored. "We do not intend to do that now, as well."

The Kremlin spokesman pointed out that "there have been repeated investigations in the US itself, many accused Russia there." However, Washington "concluded on its own that no interference took place."

The presidential election in the US will take place on November 5. Trump has already secured enough delegates’ votes to be nominated as a Republican candidate. Meanwhile, some representatives of the Democratic Party have started to discuss an option to replace Joe Biden with another candidate amid his failure during the debates that took place earlier.

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