Diplomat calls Ukraine’s attack on Sevastopol direct result of Burgenstock conference

Alexander Grushko said that peace was an easy goal to attain through the Minsk agreements, which provided for the Lugansk and Donetsk regions reunification with Ukraine

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Ukraine’s missile attack on the Crimean city of Sevastopol became a direct result of the ‘peaceful’ conference in Switzerland’s Burgenstock, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said at the OSCE Annual Security Review Conference.

"The political circus in B·rgenstock, Switzerland, clearly showed those who were reluctant to see things for what they are that all the Kiev regime’s Western curators want to accomplish is squeeze Ukraine dry for its resources, rather than achieve peace," he said. "The barbaric attack using an ATACMS missile with a cluster warhead on the civilians and children in Sevastopol during the Holy Trinity holiday is the direct outcome of the 'peaceful' B·rgenstock summit."

In his words, peace was an easy goal to attain through the Minsk agreements, which provided for the Lugansk and Donetsk regions reunification with Ukraine and respecting fundamental human rights in the process.

"There were a number of other options, including talks in Minsk and Istanbul which were torpedoed by the West," Grushko went on.

"Is there an alternative to sliding toward a point of no return? Yes, there is. It is contained in President Putin’s proposals on ending the Ukraine conflict, which he articulated at a meeting with the Foreign Ministry senior officials on June 14," he concluded.

Ukraine attacked civilian infrastructure in Sevastopol using ATACMS tactical missiles carrying cluster munitions on June 23. Four missiles were shot down, while another one exploded over the city. According to Sevastopol governor, Mikhail Pazvozhayev, four people, including two children, were killed and more than 150 others were wounded.

The Russian Investigative Committee initiated a criminal probe into the terrorist attack.

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