West trying to make another anti-Russia out of Finland — Security Council

Washington, 'under NATO’s umbrella,' has turned Finland into a dependent semi-vassal,"Rashid Nurgaliyev pointed out

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Playing to newly minted NATO member Finland’s desire for revenge, the West is facilitating its turn against Russia, Russian Security Council First Deputy Secretary Rashid Nurgaliyev said in his article published on the council’s website.

He reiterated that Helsinki, "looking for revenge, is joining anti-Russian alliances," while Western propaganda is "spinning the Finnish sense of superiority over Slavs, at the same time trying to revive the idea of a 'Greater Finland'."

"Washington, 'under NATO’s umbrella,' has turned Finland into a dependent semi-vassal and is trying to make another anti-Russia out of it yet again, forcing it to sacrifice its own well-being for the sake of alien geopolitical goals," Nurgaliyev pointed out.

All of this is being actively supported by the West’s propaganda resources, he said, noting that everyone is aware of the result of these attempts in the past century.

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