Russian proposals about Ukraine time-sensitive — Medvedev

The politician said this proposal is based on two positions

ST. PETERSBURG, June 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s peace proposal for Ukraine is time-sensitive and the terms for talks could be worse for Ukraine next time, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.

"A most important proposal that was enunciated by our head of state, I have already commented on it once, but I will reproduce it again, because it is of great importance, including in our audience, where well-known, prominent lawyers from different countries have gathered. As has been said, this proposal is of course time-sensitive," he said at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

"So, if circumstances change, the deal can be concluded on different conditions. The circumstances have changed. <...> Under such conditions, negotiations can be continued, but if they do not take place, and this was also explicitly stated, then subsequent negotiations, and sooner or later, of course, these negotiations will be held <…> they will then take place under worse conditions," Medvedev continued.

Medvedev said this proposal is based on two positions.

"As you know, there is a caveat stating the circumstances that gave rise to a treaty should remain the same. Or the rebus sic stantibus clause," he went on to say. "There are changes on the ground, and there are changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This must be taken into account. And, of course, what the President said, namely, that Ukraine should proclaim neutrality and not join the unfriendly military bloc."

The St. Petersburg International Legal Forum is taking place from June 26-28. TASS is its prime media partner.

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