Russian embassies overflowing with requests to relocate to country — MFA

Maria Zakharova also drew attention to the fact that the Russian Foreign Policy Concept touches upon the topic of traditional values 11 times

ST. PETERSBURG, June 27. /TASS/. Russian embassies and consulates are backed up with requests for visas and assistance in moving to Russia from applicants who want to live in a place with traditional values, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (SPILF) session.

"Our embassies, our consulates are literally flooded with requests for either visas, residence permits or assistance in resettlement in order to preserve themselves as representatives and bearers of traditional values," the diplomat emphasized.

According to her, the basis of state policy, ideology, philosophy of each country includes traditional values. "But we should also look from another angle. A huge number of people, who are under the oppression of liberal democracies, are trying to resist this," Zakharova added.

"I would also like to say that when we talk about strangers - it's not about borders, it's not about the names of states or regimes <...>. Strangers are not those who differ from us, but those who aggressively impose their ideology, wanting to destroy our ideas of true values," the spokeswoman continued.

Zakharova also drew attention to the fact that the Russian Foreign Policy Concept touches upon the topic of traditional values 11 times.

The St. Petersburg International Legal Forum takes place on June 26-28. TASS is the general information partner of the forum.

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