Russia expands geography of talks with military cooperation partners — senior diplomat

Russia sees how actively the Americans are beginning to introduce new weapons systems in remote "theaters of military operations," "including intermediate-range systems that were previously banned by the corresponding treaty," Sergey Ryabkov said

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Moscow has expanded the geography and intensity of negotiations with partners on building up military cooperation amid the West’s anti-Russia policy, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said during a live broadcast of the '60 minutes' program on the Rossiya-1 TV channel on Thursday.

"The issues of Russia’s military and military-technical cooperation with allies, with strategic partners, and there are a lot of them as well, have considerably expanded and the geography of such discussions has also expanded," the senior Russian diplomat said.

Russia sees how actively the Americans are beginning to introduce new weapons systems in remote "theaters of military operations," "including intermediate-range systems that were previously banned by the corresponding treaty," Ryabkov said.

"The United States quit it unilaterally when it could have quite avoided it," the high-ranking diplomat stressed.

Moscow analyzes all the developments and thinks about how to counter this and what military-technical measures can be, Ryabkov said.

"Incidentally, the geography of our country is also as such that it opens some possibilities in this regard but work on partners and allies is also intensified," he pointed out.

"Information on this score, I am sure, will appear in due time," the senior Russian diplomat said.

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