Russia expresses complete, unwavering support for Bolivian president’’s government

Moscow also urged "all constructive political forces and entities in Bolivia to unite in order to consolidate Bolivian society and ensure the stability and sovereignty of the Plurinational State of Bolivia"

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Moscow expresses its complete and unwavering support for Bolivian President Luis Arce’s government and strongly condemns a military coup attempt in the country, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"We strongly condemn the June 26 military coup attempt in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. We express our complete and unwavering support for President Luis Arce’s government. We believe that going beyond the constitutional field is unacceptable," the statement reads. "The imperative is to resolve all internal political disagreements by political means," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

Moscow also urged "all constructive political forces and entities in Bolivia to unite in order to consolidate Bolivian society and ensure the stability and sovereignty of the Plurinational State of Bolivia."

"We warn against attempts at destructive foreign interference in the domestic affairs of Bolivia and other countries, which has on many occasions led to tragic consequences for a number of countries and peoples, particularly in the Latin American region," the statement says. "We stand in solidarity with the fraternal nation of Bolivia, our reliable strategic partner," the ministry stressed.

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