Russian forces destroy Ukrainian troops trying to entrench near Belogorovka, says LPR

After suffering casualties, the Ukrainian troops "had to retreat to their previous positions," Andrey Marochko said

LUGANSK, June 27. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed Ukrainian army personnel trying to dig in and assume better positions near the settlement of Belogorovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), military expert Andrey Marochko told TASS on Thursday.

"Aerial reconnaissance near the settlement of Belogorovka revealed a group of militants with a numerical strength of up to a platoon wearing chevrons of the Ukrainian army’s 3rd assault brigade. Ukrainian nationalists tried to entrench themselves in a new area to assume better positions. Artillery and UAV teams delivered joint strikes on the enemy," the military expert said, referring to his sources.

After suffering casualties, the Ukrainian troops "had to retreat to their previous positions," he said.

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