Putin’s initiative, ties with DPRK: what Kremlin aide talked about at Primakov Readings

The military frenzy incited by the West is taking such "monstrous forms" as the murder of vacationers at a Sevastopol beach

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s peace proposal would end the armed confrontation in Ukraine "in an instant," Russian Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov said at the Primakov Readings forum.

He also added that the unified and indivisible security system in Eurasia should replace Euro-centric models.

TASS has put together the Kremlin aide’s main statements.

On Putin’s initiative

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal on the peaceful settlement would end the armed confrontation in Ukraine "literally now" and "shift it into the political-diplomatic field."

On the West’s belligerent intentions

Troop potential has not yet been exhausted in Ukraine, so the West intends to continue fighting: "The West does not hear us and intends to fight [together] with Ukraine to the last Ukrainian."

The military frenzy incited by the West is taking such "monstrous forms" as the murder of vacationers at a Sevastopol beach.

The understanding that it is impossible to settle the conflict without Russia is growing worldwide. "In my opinion, this is the sole result of the widely advertised Burgenstock summit."

On security in Eurasia

The unified and indivisible security system in Eurasia must replace "the Euro-Atlantic and Euro-centric models receding into oblivion."

On relations with North Korea

"The time has come for the international community to pause and think" what needs to be changed in the UN sanctions regime against the DPRK.

The joint statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un provides for "the future close coordination of actions" of both countries on the international stage.

On BRICS expansion

Several countries, including Thailand and Malaysia, have already submitted "over 30" applications to join BRICS.

Moscow is working on a list of countries which may receive the new status of a BRICS partner and is developing the required criteria.

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