Diplomat warns of high risk of provocations against Russians at Paris Olympics

According to Alexey Klimov, "the statements of Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo that Russian athletes will not be welcome are indicative of the sentiments disseminated by official structures"

MOSCOW, May 29. /TASS/. There is a high probability of provocations against Russians at the Paris Olympics given France’s unfriendly course and Russophobia in the French media, Russian Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department Head Alexey Klimov told TASS.

"As for the possibility of provocations against Russian citizens, unfortunately, it should be taken into account when deciding to travel to France," the diplomat pointed out. "The current French authorities are pursuing a generally unfriendly course towards our country, and the French media are deeply affected by aggressive Russophobia, which cannot but have a negative impact on the general atmosphere in France towards Russia and its citizens," Klimov said.

"As for the Olympic Games, I would like to remind you that French representatives have repeatedly declared a ban on the demonstration of Russian symbols at the Games," he pointed out. "So far it is still hard to say how meticulously this ban will be implemented, for example, not in the stadiums, but on city streets, however, we cannot exclude the worst."

According to Klimov, "the statements of Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo that Russian athletes will not be welcome are indicative of the sentiments disseminated by official structures." "Such an environment is, of course, a breeding ground for the emergence and activation of all kinds of provocateurs," the diplomat emphasized.

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