Russia perceives EU actions on Ukraine as hostile — Kremlin

As reported earlier, some EU countries and the US are against weapons supplied by the West used to strike targets in Russia because this can escalate the situation

MOSCOW, May 28. /TASS/. Russia views the EU discussing allowing Ukraine to deliver strikes on Russian soil and overcoming Hungary’s objections against delivering new arms to Ukraine as hostile actions, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"Undoubtedly, all of this is and will be viewed as hostile actions, not just unfriendly but hostile. And of course, our military who are taking appropriate measures will definitely proceed from this premise," he said.

As reported earlier, some EU countries and the US are against weapons supplied by the West used to strike targets in Russia because this can escalate the situation. However, recently, amid Ukrainian failures on the battlefield, this stance is being more frequently questioned.

A couple of days ago, acting Dutch foreign minister Hanke Bruins Slot, speaking before the national parliament, said that Ukraine must have an opportunity to hit targets in Russia with arms provided by the West. According to her, the Netherlands does not set any such restrictions and intends to discuss this matter with its EU and NATO partners.

Commenting on these remarks, the Russian Embassy in the Netherlands said on the X social platform that such statements represent yet another irresponsible step by temporary officials and its consequences will have to be sorted out by the new government.

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